Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ridge-soaring as the eagle does it!

One of my glider-club friends posted this nice video on our user-group site.  I was reminded of some of the ridge-soaring flights I've had in the back seat of one of our high-performance sailplanes with a skilled pilot flying from the front.  I'd like to be able to fly like this and share it with my passenger too! 

Flying eagle point of view.

Ridge-soaring in the Alps, from a camera on an eagle's back.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday, the 13th, glider rides!

The date didn't cause any trouble but the sky condition did as it was overcast with a very low ceiling to start causing the first potential passenger to leave, planning to come back the next day.  My wife's nephew, Tim, arrived from Corvallis for his ride and the towpilot asked if I wanted to go now that it appeared to be clearing to the west.  Sure, we'll follow him but release and return if necessary.  The sky started to open up as we were on tow so we just went up on top to 3500' and released.  We could see Mt Hood and the coastal range as the clouds dissipated below us.

We landed, Tim got out and Peter got in for his surprise Birthday Ride!

A good time was had by all!