Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday at Hollister

Shauna and Dan started the day with a ride to the Monterey Bay:

Alexandra was given a Mile High acro ride as a graduation gift:
After a stall, spin, loop, hammerhead, and some wingovers she flew the plane as if she'd already had a few lessons!  She has the "right stuff" and could be giving rides herself when she becomes 18.

Brian and a woman, whose name escapes me as I had lost the boarding pass in the wind, enjoyed their ride on a day with beautiful visibility:
Moss Landing and the Monterey peninsula from 8k' over Watsonville:

Santa Cruz beach, boardwalk and pier with a little fog over the north coast:

looking east over the Diablos and San Joaquin Valley to the snow-capped Sierras:

The "K" family arrived for two rides:

 Kristoff and Kristin flew with me in 64E and Quest flew with two other siblings in 87R.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for always posting nice photos and stories. I enjoy them a lot when I can't go flying.
