Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday 9/24/11 rides

First ride of the day was with Max, a tall 14 year-old.  The short Hollister Hop ride and the traffic around the airport limited his "stick time" but he did get to operate the controls and "feel" their effects.  I didn't get a picture of him in the front seat as it was a busy time in the air and when back on the ground we became involved in switching out passengers and launching other gliders.  Sorry there is no glamour shot for you Max, you'll just have to come back!

Ed and Marie sat in the rear seat of our Schweizer 2-32 for a tow to 8000' over the fog-covered Pajaro River Valley into the Santa Cruz Mtns.  We crossed over the Santa Clara Valley to the Pacheco Pass and then over the Diablos before returning to the Hollister airport to look at Swank's Corn maze.

Some clearing over Watsonville area looking towards Santa Cruz:

Swank's Corn Maze:

While switching passengers, the local club's high-perfomance two-place sailplane landed while being used in a new member's checkout.  Rajat received his training and license in the same glider-type we use for the rides and is transitioning to different gliders.  Jonathan is a Certified Flight Instructor-Glider and does the honors.  Club-provided parachutes are worn for most flights as some acro might be enjoyed and/or racing performed both requiring that equipment.
Rachel and Ryan enjoyed their Hollister Hop:

Hillary and Alex had an hour in the air for a Monterey Bay Adventure ride.  The fog was still covering the coast and had started to come inland so we went to the Diablos.  As we got lower Hillary pointed out her school and her home below as we circled lazily above. We did a few "roller-coaster" maneuvers for fun.
After landing Hillary got in the front seat while we towed the glider back to its tie-down on the ramp.  If either one had training and a license they could have flown as they are sitting!

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