Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A ride with my son Lincoln!

I was very lucky to have my son come from New York State to use his contractor skills in preparing my house for rental so that I could join my wife in our new OR life.  Lincoln had flown with me once before in my Cessna 152 over northern MA back in '90 but had never been in a glider.  The Schweizer 2-32 is perfect for two good-sized American men!
Rear seat with full controls was very comfortable and off we went behind Charlie Hayes in the Pawnee.

 Here's the before pic:

On tow and all is copacetic!
 There is the Monterey peninsula off in the distance as we get ready to release over Fremont Peak at a mile above the ocean.

After we released Charlie came around and flew formation with us:
 On the way back to the airport Linc handled the controls until I asked if he wanted to do some fun turns and a good wing-over.  He was game and discovered that he really liked that maneuvering!  After landing he tried on the front cockpit:

I think I know were he'll be for the next ride!

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