Linda surprised Steve with a birthday glider ride. We put on parachutes and he asked if we were going to use them. I told them they were required if we wanted to do a loop or other aerobatic maneuver.

Here, Steve takes my picture as we discuss our options.
After release from tow at 8000' over Aromas with the Monterey Bay in full view he said he was ready for a spin and loop so up into a stall and over we went, spinning towards the ground, recovering in a dive and pulling up into the loop after which we relaxed in slow straight and level flight discussing what to do next. He said he'd like to fly it so that he did for the next 30 minutes, except for a couple of wing-overs and tight turns, until it was time to land. Steve "felt" the glider respond to his control inputs and taught himself to fly while I looked for traffic. After our landing Steve convinced Linda that she had to go up herself. It wasn't too difficult a sell as she had experienced a ride in Fremont years ago with a friend in the back seat and she loved "feeling like a bird" while have a real "bird's-eye view". She didn't want any aerobatics, just that wonderful calm feeling that comes with the magnificent view and privileged perspective. I gave her "the ride of my wife" and she enjoyed her hour in the air.

When asked if she would like to experience the same landing as Steve had, she said yes, so we came in low and fast, then traded speed for a zoom up over the road, deployed full spoilers and "kissed" the runway softly for a nice rollout and stop.
I sent them some pics I had taken along with some info on the glider they had flown and some links to youTube clips done by some friends. Here is their kind response:
"We would like to thank you not only for sending us these great photos and information on the glider but also for making the experience so special. You took the effort to make our trips interesting, exciting, and memorable. It was truly a highlight and one that will make this birthday unforgettable. We will share our tale with many and hopefully convince a few to look you up and have an equally wonderful experience, although we know it is pretty hard for you to arrange a day when the weather is so accommodating. You were great!
Thanks again for a super flight and we hope to be return guests not too long from now."
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