Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday flying

First to launch were the private gliders for cross country flying south of Hollister.  Two self launched and the rest were aero-towed.  Here is Eric being hooked up by Jim:

Mike, a private pilot in powered airplanes, wanted to expose his wife, Young mee, to gliders with a Monterey Bay Adventure:
We saw the smoke trails from the Watsonville airshow:
And the fog over the southern Monterey Bay:

Dave and Michelle's Mile High Ride allowed them to be at 3000 feet over Fremont Peak which stands 3000 feet over the Salinas Valley(left center above).  They could look in the distance to see where their area of Pacific Grove was probably covered in fog on the back side of the Monterey peninsula:

Dave enjoyed the idea of learning to fly himself and tried out the front pilot's seat supervised by the most important person in his prospective future sport-flying career!

Dave and Michelle met Eric as he was disassembling his glider for trailer stowage.  Eric showed them his iPhone-version(small screen) video of his Golden Eagle encounter:

Another nice day of flying and the potential for two more soaring/glider pilots!

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