Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Monday 6/13 group rides

A vacationing group scheduled eight rides today so we provided 2 towplanes, 2 gliders and 2 commercial glider-ride pilots.  My first passengers were from Amarillo, TX.
Melanie & Chan in the back seat of Schweizer 2-32 N9864E:

Next to ride were Susan and Dallas from Kalispell, MT:

I didn't get a pic of my third couple while in the air but here they are on the ground after landing:

As an aside, I should say that as pilots, we have a duty to aviate, navigate and communicate all while maintaining situational awareness relative to other traffic in the air and on the airport.  Conversation and picture-taking are secondary as time and situation allow.

The couple on the left rode with Brett in our other Schweizer 2-32 N87R:

Brett just landed with another couple:

My last ride of the day was with Judith and Meyer from Colorado Springs, CO.  They were quite amazed when I told them that the other glider like ours had been to 37,000' over Pikes Peak with two guys in cold-weather clothing and an oxygen system!  We only went to 6000' over Fremont Peak with a nice view of the Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley.

Sometimes the view of the Monterey peninsula is clear like this:

And other times especially on a summer morning the fog covers the coastline:

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