Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday 4/30/11 rides

For an early start on a beautiful day, I had three flights with HSC manager/instructor Quest for my Biennial Flight Review.  On the first flight he pulled the release at 200' to simulate a rope break and I made a 180° turn to land back on the runway.  Next he had me do a landing without the use of the spoilers which is challenging and fun.  For the last flight he pulled the release at 800' and we simulated landing on a short field with 200' trees to clear! All fun and exciting, the way instruction and review should be.
Maybe the roads and highways would be safer if all drivers were required to have reviews in their vehicles with a knowledgeable and friendly instructor.  Not so much as a test but an opportunity to learn and improve skills!

My first commercial flight was a birthday ride for an Air Force Academy graduate who had some glider flights while there and some others at Tehachapi.  John flew the glider well and even "looped" us!  I didn't have my camera so no pics, oops.

Suzanne and Thomas took a Silver Hawk ride to 4750' where we could see the Monterey Bay and the Sierras while experiencing the very active atmosphere.  They enjoyed both the view and the "maneuvering"!

My last flight of the day was with Carter, whose uncle brought him in for and introductory lesson.  As an "east-coaster" from Maryland he was enjoying our presently green scenery as much as the chance to fly the glider;  sensory overload, but well handled by a young man who is looking to join the military.  While in the back seat and supervising I neglected to get his picture.

Scott, one of our A&P mechanic/ride pilots from some time ago, visited in an airplane that he had brought back to life and overhauled the engine.  His Cessna 150 is just like the one in which I had my initial flight training, back in Boston in the early 80's.  It was an enjoyable visit:

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