Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Family Values"

Monday, 4/9/12, we were visited by a family wanting four glider rides.  I took father, son and oldest daughter for Mile High acro rides over the now-green east hills for spins, loops, wingovers, tight turns and opportunity for them to operate the controls.  Many smiles and lots of fun!

Robbie volunteered for the first ride.  Here we are with our parachutes on, ready to get in the glider and be pulled out to the runway for take-off:

You can see the grin on Robbie's face as we come back to the valley after flying over the hills:

We watched Robbie's mother and sister being given a ride together in our other Schweizer 2-32 being towed out to the east hills by one of our two Cherokee 235s:

Jessica put on the parachute and jumped in the front seat after Robbie and I landed:

Now this is a sure sign of pleasure "high in the sky"!

Jessica gave the parachute to her father, Earl, so he could experience the type of ride that she and her brother just had.  He flew very well for his first time and enjoyed all the maneuvers as evidenced by his smile:

If Earl sends me some of the pics that he had taken of his family on the ground during the launching and retrieving, I'll amend this blog entry so mother and youngest daughter have their "moment of fame"!

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